*Signs* For a moment I’ll close my eyes, falling as I lean back, on the heels of my feet now
I turn toward the door and slowly succumb to pieces
Steel, durable and handy, strong, something I find when my weakness creeps on me, when the guilt eats into me
I’ll rely on it because I’m so frail, my knees can give out any moment, and you wouldn’t hear a peep
I crumble apart behind curtains where you can’t see my pain
Not steel, iron, or metal, only bone
Glass shards pierced into the roots of love I grew just for
But if I could be steel, maybe I could be the braver parts of me, maybe if steel touches this skin, it’ll reach bone and then it’d touch the core
Then I could open my doors, the rest of fear wouldn’t have a place to hide anymore
Though of course nobody wants to know what’s behind a steel door when a stone heart is what they see
So clearly until it turns blurry